Tweets copied by
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
From Twitter 10-28-2009
- 08:31:58: Is it more interesting when authors tweet about their mundane lives, or about their next project? Or both? I'm genuinely curious
- 08:34:21: @scablander HAHA! Oh well! *dashes away to read it*
- 09:40:41: @dannyson1 Yeah....I don't click on adverts, so I don't know who else does...
- 21:43:59: @scablander Ooh thanks so much! I'm on there twice!
- 21:45:26: @dannyson1 Hey, I'm perfecting my blogging fu! So what do you suggest? And how do u know about my click rate? XP
- 21:46:28: Waiting for #NaNoWriMo is driving me a little loopy. Starting a few character exercises to get warmed up...
- 21:48:22: @dannyson1 Lolz, I was teasing back, yo!
- 21:48:45: @dannyson1 I was also worried if it was obvious XD
- 21:53:44: @dannyson1 Btw, I like your new vampy avatar!
- 21:59:18: @dannyson1 LOL your most recent comic makes me think "IT WAS A LIFE!" a la Warriors of Virtue.
- 22:02:11: @dannyson1 "He's throwing people!" reminded me of a cheesy line from a movie this guy reviews:
- 22:04:48: @dannyson1 I thought your comic was funny, not cheesy, btw :D
- 22:17:12: @dannyson1 I LOVE the Nostalgia Critic! Have you seen him before?
- 22:20:21: @dannyson1 Ooh, I need to check that out! Is it on that site too?
- 22:28:24: @dannyson1 Oooh! Thank you muchly!
- 22:42:08: @scablander What do you mean?
- 22:44:49: @scablander Ooh! Never mind! The Writer Wednesday thing! ^_^ Got it
- 22:45:17: @scablander Yes. ^_^ And thank you!
- 22:47:22: @scablander HAHA! Yes, it feels like it is sometimes! *facepalm* Then ignore mine too :P
Tweets copied by
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
From Twitter 10-27-2009
- 23:02:33: @scablander Yes! That would be fun! You should post it in Nov. :D
- 23:03:31: AFK with guest all weekend, so will catch up on twitter later!
- 23:05:17: Tried outlining #NaNoWriMo story, and kept hitting a wall. I am either too tired, or just want to let the characters play around w/no plan
Tweets copied by
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
From Twitter 10-26-2009
- 08:04:09: @scablander: Oh my gosh, that sounds awesome! Can we read it too?^_^
- 08:15:08: RT @TheWritersDen: @88letters RT: Decoding Writer's Block. Go to @TheWritersDen's blog ...
Tweets copied by
Saturday, October 24, 2009
From Twitter 10-23-2009
- 14:50:06: Feel very productive, and now listening to my Halloween playlist as the sun plays hide and seek behind the clouds.
- 14:50:55: NEW BLOG: Is it November yet?
- 14:55:25: Bach's Toccata & Fugue in Dm. On the organ. Oh yes... #Halloweenmusic
- 14:56:21: @AmandaPalmer is an amazing musician and her tweets express such exuberance and all sorts of juicy tidbits #followfriday
- 15:29:01: @JeffMeyerson What was?
- 16:02:56: @JeffMeyerson That's all right! Yes, there definitely are more in October, I am just excited about #NaNoWriMo :D
Thursday, October 22, 2009
From Twitter 10-21-2009
- 10:47:47: RT @dannyson1: @Wendell_Howe I must say that was the most awesome Tea Party I ever attended IN THE FUTURE! / I second that!
- 10:51:05: @neilhimself Sounds like a full day!
- 11:18:06: RT @AdviceToWriters: Some things can only be said in fiction, but that doesn't mean they aren't true. AARON LATHAM #fiction #writechat
- 11:18:38: RT @AdviceToWriters: If they didn't pay me, I'd do it for nothing. LAUREL GOLDMAN #writer #writing #writechat
- 17:57:46: RT @JoelHeffner: Writing a little each day is good for your mental health. / I should take this advice!
- 23:51:23: @88letters ~ Thanks for following me on blogger! Look forward to catching your tweet feed!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
From Twitter 10-19-2009
- 02:09:08: Wow, there are too many things to do on the #NaNoWriMo site...
- 02:24:26: Random cool name generators:,,
- 02:28:18: RT @Quotes4Writers: “U may see someone reading ur book onthe train but afterwards you still have togo home & wash the dishes” KathyCharles
- 13:07:24: New Book Byte Blog: Interviewing @Wendell_Howe:
- 21:54:45: RT @Wendell_Howe: For anyone who missed it earlier, Ms. Nelson's interview with me.
- 21:56:03: @dannyson1 Yay! I'm so glad you like it!
Tweets copied by
Monday, October 19, 2009
From Twitter 10-18-2009 (Temporal Tea)
- 15:29:30: Book Two ideas are flowing...BLOG:
- 15:30:04: Haha, story of my writing life...RT @Quotes4Writers: “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” Jane Austen
- 15:31:46: RT @AdviceToWriters: Writing is its own reward.HENRY MILLER
#writing #writechat #writetip
- 15:44:20: #TemporalTea Just showed up...and saw myself from when I went on #TemporalTues. Well, self, have fun XP Gonna get out b4 I see...myself
- 15:44:59: What an incandescently beautiful day! Haven't had a lovely like this in a while!
- 15:47:19: (me from #TemporalTues) Hi, @Wendell_Howe! Ooh, is that coyote jerky? Nice slideshow, btw!
- 15:47:39: RT @Wendell_Howe: Hello @puelladocta Nice to see you...goodbye. #temporaltea
- 15:47:48: RT @Wendell_Howe: Oh dear I think @puelladocta got caught in a time loop. I hate when that happens. #temporaltea
- 15:49:28: (from #TemporalTues) @Wendell_Howe, I might be going crazy, but...I could have sworn...did you just see two of me?
- 15:54:39: RT @Wendell_Howe: @puelladocta Yes, I did see two of you. Have some tea. It's good for Time Paradoxes. #temporaltea #temporalTues
- 15:57:29: @Wendell_Howe (from #TemporalTues) Oh dear heavens. *slurps* That was weird. But man, seeing myself from outside, I look good! #temporaltea
- 16:10:12: (from #TemporalTues) @Wendell_Howe Aww! Well, my newer self probably has more ideas about my second novel. Lucky pants. #temporaltea
- 17:09:21: Also, oh my gosh...the ideas are flowing so fast now! Not sure if I will use all of them, but OH my gosh, wow...
- 18:54:29: @Wendell_Howe Uh Oh! I'll help! *helps clean for however long it takes* AH! There we go! It was a pleasure, sir! Lovely party! #TemporalTea
- 19:18:25: @mousewords It's okay, technically I came by twice and nothing happened! #TemporalTea #TemporalTues
- 19:32:30: @Wendell_Howe #temporaltea Yessir!
- 19:55:55: RT @ZAmmi: *enthusiastically joins in* RT @mousewords: *a round of applause for @Scablander & @Wendell_Howe 4 today's fabulous #TemporalTea*
- 22:34:18: @scablander Sadly, no one has sent me any! But I put a few more of my own on the question list I sent you.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
From Twitter 10-17-2009
- 10:07:00: Bought some new #Blackmore'sNight songs off of iTunes. They are AWESOME! #music - The Village Lanterne - Blackmore's Night
- 10:34:27: Quotes on criticism and the publishing world: &
- 10:40:57: @Wendell_Howe You're so modest, Wendell :D
- 10:48:17: RT @Wendell_Howe: I got an email today. C.A.Nelson wants to do an interview with me! My, an interview without a Compliance Disk & Enforcers.
- 10:48:41: RT @Wendell_Howe: If you can think of any questions you would like Ms. Nelson to ask me, please tweet them to @puelladocta before Monday.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
From Twitter 10-16-2009
- 12:31:47: @Wendell_Howe Hi Wendell! To spice up our interview, what are some more unusual questions I could ask? (Not crude or anything! Fear not)
- 12:35:46: @Wendell_Howe Ooooh! Scandalous!
- 12:38:18: I'm already excited for my blog entry about @scablander, including my interview with @Wendell_Howe!
- 13:50:35: Hmmm...very good point. RT @AdviceToWriters: U dont want 2B a celebrity. It cuts ur privacy...
- 13:52:03: RT @AdviceToWriters: ...& a writer needs some sense of blending in & being a witness. JOHN UPDIKE
- 21:21:47: @Wendell_Howe Uh oh. Wendell...that sounds awful close...
- 21:23:36: RT @Quotes4Writers: “What I adore is supreme professionalism. I’m bored by writers who can write only when it’s raining.” Noel Coward
- 21:34:22: @scablander Hmm...what do you think? Maybe say I'll just pick the best ones?
- 21:55:51: @Wendell_Howe Why are you going back to Amherst just 800 years later?
- 22:00:45: BAYBAAAYYY! RT @TheWritersDen: Night time is the Write time.
- 22:28:08: @Wendell_Howe Heehee! That makes sense! And I'd hope you like it :D
- 23:13:51: Thanks for the #FollowFriday, @TheWritersDen!
- 23:15:34: RT @TheWritersDen: Every tweet that has #beatcancer today raises money for cancer research; they're going for world record! Please RT
Friday, October 16, 2009
From Twitter 10-15-2009
- 12:48:17: @scablander HA! That was awesome! And a close call! You are amazing, madam! :D
Thursday, October 15, 2009
From Twitter 10-14-2009 (Temporal Tues. meeting Prof. Wendell Howe)
- 18:10:55: Oh wow. My brain has been to full to even think about #TemporalTues. Well, maybe just one....
- 18:11:51: #TemporalTues Set date and time to make it to @Wendel_Howe's birthday. I hope dress pants, long sleeve top and wrap sweater will fit fashion
- 18:12:58: #TemporalTues Okay, maybe not birthday, but I'm not quite sure of the occasion. There's his office! Lots of glass windows....
- 18:16:11: #TemporalTues I hope they don't have too many old janitor closets-turned offices! I need to get back in time for supper. Just a quick visit.
- 18:16:40: #TemporalTues I ran into the janitor. He looked rather bored, but pointed me in the right direction.
- 18:17:25: #TemporalTues Ah! People huddled around a tiny room, chatting with cups of tea in hand. Found it!
- 18:18:24: #TemporalTues I'm actually giddy! I feel like I'm about to meet rock star!
- 18:18:53: (wow, my grammar is awful right now. I must be really tired...)
- 18:19:57: #TemporalTues Eeee! There he is at his desk. And he's pouring the tea himself! What a gentleman! Squeezing through the crowd to get to him
- 18:27:49: #TemporalTues OH MY GOSH! @Wendell_Howe is awesome! Seemed quite pleased I had joined him from the past. Had to add cream & sugar 2 my tea
- 18:29:36: #TemporalTues @Wendell_Howe and I chatted for a while, mostly him telling me a/b future. I kept wondering if he was going to interview me...
- 18:54:14: #TemporalTues That was AWESOME. I need to visit the future more often! Hope I'll have a chance to chat with you more, @Wendell_Howe!
- 18:57:14: @scablander HEE! Are you Prof. Howe's alter-ego? Awesome! More than happy to oblige!
- 18:59:23: #TemporalTues Highlights of convo w/ @Wendell_Howe. He told me people still listened to the Beatles & Tolkien was cannonized.
- 19:00:37: #TemporalTues He also told me that no one remembered Twilight or Lady Gaga or Ugg Boots anymore. Just temporal anthropologists do.
- 19:01:53: #TemporalTues But people still pilgrimage to visit big exhibits on Elvis and Michael Jackson, whose original homes are long gone.
- 19:03:08: #TemporalTues I also had him do me a favor: send a friend of mine a letter from the future. That will blow my friend's mind! ^_^ So much fun
- 19:03:35: @Wendell_Howe Ah, yes, it did end up being your birthday. I wasn't sure :D
- 19:08:30: Book Byte Blog: Chris Carlton Brown & book Hoppergrass
- 19:18:27: @Wendell_Howe Well, it was at least a cozy number 12-15! I won't tell anyone! ^_^
- 21:39:33: #TemporalTuesday Took a quick jaunt back to @Wendell_Howe 's tea party. Very small group, black currant tea, scones, lovely conversation
- 21:41:23: @puelladocta #TemporalTues Apparently overshot the tea party by a few months! >.< But two tea parties in one night, how lovely!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
From Twitter 10-13-2009
- 18:56:36: *wonders* Anyone know a reliable, legit way to make money by blogging?
- 20:46:43: @JeffMeyerson Thank you so much! Also, I agree about procrastinating! (Sorry I didn't reply sooner!)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
From Twitter 10-12-2009
- 14:34:14: Editing! Finally! My muse must be starting to wake up.
- 22:09:27: Good thing I have to remember. RT @AdviceToWriters: Teach yourself to work in uncertainty.BERNARD MALAMUD
- 22:25:53: @LKHamilton CONGRATS!!!
- 22:44:43: @LKHamilton So what happens next? I finished my book and now I am editing hardcore. What is your next step?
- 22:52:08: @Wendell_Howe Hi! I'm from 2009. How can I attend?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
From Twitter 10-09-2009
- 11:52:33: SO insightful! RT @AdviceToWriters: Quote of the Day: “Be careful how you introduce your characters...”
- 15:12:53: Getting excited about the Southern Book Festival tomorrow!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
From Twitter 10-07-2009
- 18:03:12: New Blog about #NaNoWriMo:
- 18:11:13: less than a month. *faints*
- 18:17:05: "I am all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters." - Solomon Short
- 18:28:21: All novels are experimental. ANTHONY BURGESS #fiction #novel #writing
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
From Twitter 10-06-2009
- 23:30:02: Updated graphics on site and blog to match pretty new writer business cards I'm designing. <3
- 23:33:29: Have a gander: &
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
From Twitter 10-05-2009
- 21:00:24: Having a hard time being motivated to edit. Seems I must edit sans motivation.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
From Twitter 10-03-2009
- 01:16:29: Check out my snazzy new site design! It has room for me to grow!
Friday, October 2, 2009
From Twitter 10-01-2009
- 21:24:31: Started editing at the kitchen table. Want to start showing it to editor friends.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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