- 11:43:41: is printing out another copy of pages to edit for the plane. Before it was so tiny it hurt my eyes to read >.< http://bit.ly/d6fOnm
- 12:04:42: has been doing some maintenance on the fan page. If you'd like, you can follow my twitter feed on Facebook by... http://bit.ly/aLgpPl
- 12:56:37: is doing more maintenance on the FB page. There is now a Twitter and a YouTube tab at the top of the page for easy... http://bit.ly/caK8XK
- 14:17:22: RT @Writeitsideways: Do Authors Choose their Covers? Very cool post (via @ThereseWalsh) http://bit.ly/cyC3kK
- 14:17:58: @iainbroome Sounds like a plan! What do you talk about on your podcast?
- 14:59:38: @iainbroome Oh cool! Like an event where people perform their poetry or read short stories?
- 15:50:37: RT @Quotes4Writers: "Let your fiction grow out of the land beneath your feet." Willa Cather
- 17:32:59: RT @jonbard: An awards show for book trailers? Sure, why not... http://amplify.com/u/5ew3
- 17:34:26: @iainbroome That really sounds cool! Did you get good turn outs?
- 22:42:43: I MUST CONSULT!!! RT @thewritermama: The Newbie's Guide to Publishing Book http://shar.es/m5hSN [Authors have more power than ever.]
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